Thursday, February 11, 2010

Reverse Racism?

Are kidding me, racism is defined as hatred or contempt against a race other than your own. So reverse racism actually means hatred to yourself. Regardless of who you are, racism is racism is racism. If you are black and hate Mexicans, you are racist. If you are white and hate black people you are racist. However, if you are white and hate white people, you are now a reverse racist. Get the picture? So now to my bigger point.

I am white, but because I am white does not mean I am naturally any better than any other race. I was born to a very low class family and was worse off than probably 85% of minorities. But because of my skin color, I am perceived to be better able to pay for college? It's not racism, it is discrimination. I do not know why people feel we need to reparate minorities for hardships. First, it was not them who were enslaved and I didn't do it. Second, the school bus passed right pass everyone's house just as mine. The only difference is my parents made me get on and stressed the need of an eduacation and I believed in it.

Here is an example of discrimination I am speaking of. I am waiting for all of my acceptance letters for law school. I have been accepted to Campbell School of Law. There is a Social Networking Website that connects law school hopefuls called My LSAT score is a 154 and a GPA of 3.43. There is a URM on there with the same LSAT score but a 3.5 GPA. He/She received $48,000 in scholarships and I received 0. Does that .07 of a GPA really account for $48,000? That is the entire tuition, living expenses, and books for a private school. I feel discouraged and helpless because of my skin color. Sometimes I wish I was born black, it would be easier.

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